Shellback Dinghy...

The 11'2 Shellback, a Joel White design, is a stable dinghy that can be effectively rowed, sailed or towed.
The Shellback may be ordered finished to prime paint condition or completed to a yacht standard. A sailing package is available, which may be added at a later date if desired. Details may also be adjusted based on your finishing and hardware preferences.
We first tested the Shellback as a cruising tender in a cruise to Scituate, it was there that we also had our maiden sail. We explored the shoals and inlets of the South River, then jumped over to P-town before returning to Red Brook Harbor. The Shellback served us well when we needed transportation and gave us the avenue for a leisurely sunset sail and a rigorous morning row.
New SHELLBACK Dinghies are made in Massachusetts and can be shipped all over the world. Please call fr current pricing, lead time, to place your order or for additional information: 508-563-2800
Ballentine's Boat Shop on Cape Cod is now building the Joel White designed Shellback Dinghy. It is as classic and beautiful as it is versatile and functional. This sailing dinghy can be used as tender for larger boats or as a small recreational boat. It rows and tows wonderfully and can be equipped with a optional sailing rig.
Ballentine's Shellbacks are built to exacting standards out of Sapele mahogany plywood. The seats, transom and rails are mahogany. Each boat is barrier coated and primed. The boat can then be customized to suit needs and taste. Options include: Sailing package, varnished seats and transom, gunwale guard on rails, custom paint, nonskid sole, etc.
The finished product is stunning, classing up any dinghy dock and compliments any yacht.
Easier than the big boat
The Shellback is a great option when you want to spend some time on the water, but don't have the energy or the crew for the big boat. It is easy to take out and put away. Because you have only 7" of draft you can pretty much go anywhere, you may be surprised how much you miss, even in your home harbor, just because you can't get in there.
Excercise while cruising
It is easy to get soft while cruising. Rowing is great exercise and easy to do wherever you end up. It is also a nice morning or evening ritual when you are at home. Rowing out to meet the sunset is a pleasant way to end a day wherever you are.
Entertain the kids
The Shellback is also a great outlet for the kids while you are cruising. They can go out exploring, either rowing or sailing, while you relax. Plus they will get tired out. Dinghy sailing is also a great way to teach sailing to kids.
Less legs than an inflatable
In addition to being MUCH better looking than an inflatable, it is more healthy and probably more secure. Because you row it, you are getting better exercise and protecting your hearing and experience from a noisy motor. The Shellback is also probably less likely to be stolen, it is much more distinctive and identifiable and thieves are inherently lazy, they will take the 15hp over the oars any day.
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